Whether you want to show appreciation for a photo, have a question about a piece of content, or want to respond to a fellow Grammer's note, Instagram comments are a great way to interact with ...
While allowing followers to comment on your Instagram posts can be a positive experience, there may be occasions in which you want to share something but don't want feedback. Maybe you're posting ...
It's possible to delete an Instagram post in just a few ... to your profile page and make it visible to your followers once again, along with the comments and likes the post accrued prior to ...
That being said, if you use Instagram Direct a lot, chances are your inbox might get a little full. If a conversation is finished and you no longer want it in your inbox, it's possible to delete ...
Instagram comments are getting more like Facebook ... you from viewing your posts was to block them. If you remove someone as your follower, they won't get a notification (blocking also doesn ...