When you enter the gym, which way should you head first? Toward the treadmills and spin studio to get your sweat on with a ...
A personal trainer breaks down the benefits of doing cardio for fat loss and how to use cardio intervals to lose belly fat.
Whether you love it, hate it, or tolerate it, cardiovascular exercise is an essential aspect of any exercise program and overall health. For example, when done consistently over time, running, has ...
Exercise comes with numerous health benefits that can lead to a happier, healthy life. It doesn't matter if you're doing cardio, strength training, or improving your balance and flexibility.
There are other ways to measure VO₂ max. The McArdle step test, also known as the Queens College Step Test, involves stepping ...
BBC technology reporter Lara Lewington tests how new technology can improve cardio fitness and oxygen efficiency. This video is from BBC Click, the BBC’s flagship technology programme.