Lim thinks this process of specific genes crossing species boundaries is more common than previously thought. “Our findings show that evolution can take surprising turns, with species sometimes ...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder—even if that beholder is a barn swallow. Depending on where the birds live, some of them ...
Natural selection isn't just something that happens to organisms, their activities also play a role, giving some species – ...
Humans and relatives evolved larger brains through gradual changes within species, not sudden leaps. This study challenges ...
Researchers identified Homo juluensis, a potential ancient human species, shedding light on Asia’s evolutionary history.
Brain tissue is among the most energetically costly in the body, and as a result, larger-brained mammals require more energy ...
Footprints from two hominin species found in Kenya suggest they lived and interacted together over a million years ago. Over ...
A groundbreaking study has shed light on how lizards and snakes -- the most diverse group of land vertebrates with nearly 12,000 species -- have evolved remarkably varied jaw shapes, driving their ...
The 3.2-million-year-old fossil, discovered 50 years ago, is considered to be one of the most significant early hominin ...