Many Europeans, particularly the French, eat horse meat. However, the practice has long been taboo in certain places, including the United States and the United Kingdom. Bible scriptures prohibit ...
Of course, many countries in Europe will eat horse meat happily and see little problem with the mix-up. However, Britain, much like the US, has traditionally shown a strong aversion to eating horse.
The horse meat scandal is a hugely serious story, but it's Twitter's wont to see the funny side. Here, for your amusement, are the best and worst horse meat jokes we've seen.
deer and horses that only eat plants. These animals are called herbivores. Herbi-vores. Other animals, like otters, the tawny owl and the Scottish wildcat only eat meat. These animals are called ...
An animal that eats meat is called a carnivore. If it has flat teeth like a horse, then it is usually a plant eater. If an animal has a mix of sharp and flat teeth then it probably eats both ...