Honey, I Shrunk the Kids is an American Disney comedy franchise that focuses on Wayne Szalinski, a "nutty" inventor who develops electronic machines that cause havoc.
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids is an American Disney comedy franchise that focuses on Wayne Szalinski, a "nutty" inventor who develops electronic machines that cause havoc.
On the brink of perfecting his state-of-the-art matter-shrinking machine, the suburban paterfamilias and indefatigable inventor, Professor Wayne Szalinski, realizes that his device truly works ...
"He’s a real class act on and off the set" For Honey, I Shrunk the Kids teen star Amy O'Neill, costar Rick Moranis was every bit a father figure on set as in the movie, down to the "dad look." ...
When they're about to leave, they decide to sneak into the attic and surprise their husbands, but the machine is activated once again, and they're shrunk as well. So the adults must be very brave ...
movies like Slacker, and books like Generation X (which we excerpted in that same issue!) all suggested “a philosophy of rejection”. Yeah, I don’t know what I was talking about either.
I went on to suggest that the emergence of “alternative culture” into the mainstream via Lollapalooza, movies like Slacker, and books like Generation X (which we excerpted in that same issue!) ...