In his prepared March 9 homily for the first Sunday of Lent, the Holy Father said difficulties and trials do not "end in ...
A Mass of Healing for the Holy Father is scheduled for 10 a.m. at Holy Family Catholic Church, 3938 Poplar Level Road.
The Vatican issued a medical update saying Pope Francis' prognosis remains "guarded," but he is "alert" and even joking with ...
CHICAGO (WLS) -- The Archdiocese of Chicago broadcasts Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral on ABC7. Mass from Holy Name Cathedral airs on ABC7 streams on at 9:30 a.m. on ...
Who could be more intimate to us than Christ and his holy Mother, the Immaculate One ... to receive the sacrament of the sick during this Mass to enter into a hope of this kind.
Churches in the Rochester area are holding Ash Wednesday masses throughout the day March 5. Wednesday marks the first day of ...