hip internal rotation, hip external rotation) and strength (hip abduction, hip internal rotation, hip external rotation, hip adduction (squeeze test)) measures were investigated using intraclass ...
Regression analysis showed weak but significant effect of hip internal rotation at IC and hip abduction at IC on knee valgus moment (r 2 =.33, P<.001, β-coefficients=0.49 and 0.35 for hip internal ...
there is a limited degree of internal, but a good degree of external rotation at the reconstructed hip, and also a good abduction and adduction range; there may be occasional stiffness ...
it works with the rectus femoris to flex the hip and contributes to hip abduction and internal rotation. When any of these muscles are tight, the tension pulls your pelvis forward into an anterior ...
your hips alternate between abduction (the movement of the leg away from the body) and adduction (the movement of the leg towards the body), or external and internal rotation. If your hip mobility ...
Hip Innovation Technology, LLC (HIT), a medical device company developing innovative orthopedic device solutions to advance the quality of life and quality of care for patients, is announcing the Food ...