The world's best Hereford bull is from Uruguay ... must be pointed out since compared to others at the Stock Show, the cattle did not have to be present to win. Because it is not practical ...
A good spread of old and new clients from three states purchased horned and poll whiteface bulls from Kirraweena Glenholme ...
The operators of a commercial herd in far western Victoria have picked up the two top-priced bulls at Tarcombe Hereford's annual production sale.
Bulls with high percentile growth estimated breeding values sold to strong demand today at the Wirruna Poll Herefords autumn ...
The average prices paid for calves saw an increase in most categories last week, according to latest figures from ICBF.
The Irish Hereford Prime beef producer group has confirmed an official bonus of 25c/kg for all Hereford cattle pre-booked.
Strong tradition leads to strong results at the Illinois Performance Tested Bull Sale at the Illinois State Fairgrounds.
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including news of increased bonuses for Aberdeen Angus and Hereford ...
But do you know your Angus from your Hereford ... t take long for their popularity as beef cattle to spread; in 1873, a private investor shipped four bulls to Kansas in the United States.
Five summer thunderstorms have helped prepare Bluey Commins’ mountain calves for the pinnacle three-day event.