The Dorothy the Dinosaur television series comes to home video as Dorothy shares her Memory Book with Wags the Dog, and they relive many amazing adventures played to familiar Wiggles tunes.
Dorothy's friends chat over Rosy Tea before admiring her Rose Garden. Wags the Dog, Henry the Octopus and Capt. Feathersword are familiar figures and Dorothy also introduces 4 fairy friends. Watch all ...
Sky Kids have expanded their commitment to The Wiggles in the UK and Eire by acquiring series 6 of Ready Steady Wiggle and ...
Like so many Australian children, Zoe Karatzovalis grew up watching The Wiggles. Now, she's gone from auditioning for The Wiggles with 160 other people to being introduced on stage as Zoe Wiggle.
Join The Wiggles as they meet the musicians and instruments of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, joined by their friends Wags the Dog, Henry the Octopus, Dorothy the Dinosaur - and of course Andy ...