13 天
PNI Atlantic News on MSNWALK IN THE WOODS: Why all the talk about hemlocks?Although hemlock is generally not highly valued as a timber commodity, it has some unique characteristics that have been very ...
New York’s forests are in trouble. Tiny, destructive insects are spreading fast, killing trees that have stood for hundreds ...
The invasive insect hemlock woolly adelgid has been spotted in many areas in northern Michigan.It's harmful to our native ...
The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) is an aphid-like insect that feeds mainly upon Hemlock tree species. HWA was introduced into the eastern United States from Japan in 1951 by the import of infected ...
Unfortunately for Falmouth’s hemlocks the emotion/science balance is still off. Hemlock woolly adelgid infestations are killing hemlocks in eastern North America due to the absence of host ...
Today, park officials estimate that 95 percent of Shenandoah’s hemlocks have succumbed to the adelgid. To preserve Shenandoah’s remaining hemlocks, a handful of park employees inject insecticide into ...
After the death of 95 percent of the park’s hemlocks from the invasive insect hemlock woolly adelgid, Meyerhoeffer, with help from volunteers and park staff, used insecticide treatments to ...