Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle follows the titular roommates, played by Cho and Penn, as they treat a case of the munchies with a late-night jaunt to the titular fast-food chain, but a series ...
The morning they return from their White Castle road trip, Harold and Kumar decide to go to Amsterdam because Harold doesn't want to wait ten days to see Maria again. On the plane, Kumar lights up ...
So like Harold and Kumar before us ... However, White Castle's fries did not stand out among the madding crowd. As crinkle-cut classics go, they were passable but forgettable.
If your idea of a perfect Valentine's Day includes love, romance and a sack of sliders, White Castle has your table ready.
White Castle is a touchstone of popular fast-food culture, from the top spot of Time's list of influential burgers to Harold and Kumar's hazy quest for the elusive slider. The chain's legendary ...
White T is a feel-good urban adventure reminiscent of "Dude. Where's My Car?", "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle", and "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." ...
He rose to fame starring in the popular comedy movies Van Wilder (2002) and Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004) and the television series House from 2007 to 2009. He is also well known for ...