Created with Sketch. Every individual is born with a particular “happiness set point” or a baseline level of happiness, research suggests. After experiencing triumphs or tragedies, people ...
The website is a resource for people looking to move abroad, and they recently put together a fantastic and eye-opening infographic that measures the happiness levels of every part of ...
The hedonic treadmill is the idea that an individual's level of happiness, after rising or falling in response to positive or negative life events, ultimately tends to move back toward where it ...
The study, published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet, looked at survey results from nearly 720,000 women and concluded that happiness, when considered independently, had no bearing ...
Happiness is in emotion we all feel from time to time and most of us would like more happiness in our lives. Sometimes it can be easy to think maybe if things changed at home or at school or with ...
Coke says it was to increase London's happiness level by giving away cans of the drink at major transport hubs and from Coke-branded taxis. The brand also plans to surprise people having their ...