the giant robots of Gundam. Four decades after the sci-fi anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam" debuted on Japanese television, plastic models lifted from the saga are as popular as ever. Toymaker ...
Now, the popular anime robot Gundam is set to tower over the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo. Bandai Namco Holdings Inc. announced on June 26 that it will display a life-size model of Gundam at its ...
Bandai Namco Group, well known for its Gundam plastic model kits, often called "Gunpla" for short, has started a new campaign called “Operation R” to collect and recycle the leftover plastic ...
Gunpla market includes rare and highly sought-after kits, some selling for high prices. Collectible Gundam models range from ...
The couple's mutual love of Gundam - several Japanese TV series about robots, plus the model kits and merchandise - was the start of their love story. before accepting. To view this content ...
Since this release, the Gunplas have taken the world by storm and Bandai Namco has sold an astonishing hundreds of millions ...