Evoking atmosphere and a sense of place - with the habitat as a major element of the picture – to convey how an animal is an integral part of its environment. Mateusz Piesiak (Poland) braves stormy ...
The most widespread pink-legged gull in North America, the herring is common in the east and mainly a winter visitor in the west. Hybrids can be locally common (mainly in the wescat). Polytypic.
This is the common and familiar “seagull” across much of North America—from coastal beaches to malls in the middle of the continent—yet it is rarely seen offshore. This notably adaptable ...
The RSPCA is investigating claims a red-listed gull was deliberately killed at a fast-food restaurant just weeks after being saved by a rescue centre. The animal welfare charity is looking at ...
Gulls are everywhere, but most people see them as pests, taking for granted their remarkable variety and beauty. Many people think of gulls ("seagull" is not a technical term) as nothing more than ...