"The best time to take fuchsia cuttings is in late summer to early autumn or spring when the plant is actively growing," ...
Growing plants from cuttings won't cost you ... If you're wondering how to take a fuchsia cutting, it's really simple. You'll need a clean, sharp pair of secateurs to remove 6-8cm shoots from ...
This will stimulate sideshoots to grow. Feed with a Best Buy tomato feed from the end of summer, or earlier if the leaves on your fuchsia become pale. It’s very easy to take cuttings from fuchsias.
Cuttings can be taken from late summer to the end of autumn, but it's a slow process and can take almost a year for shoots to make roots. If you're planning ahead you can grow enough plants for a ...
This will stimulate sideshoots to grow. Feed with a Best Buy tomato feed from the end of summer, or earlier if the leaves on your fuchsia become pale. It’s very easy to take cuttings from fuchsias.