When I went to school, corporal punishment was still a thing; California banned it in 1986. Did we miss it, really? No, we didn’t. Last September, new discipline guidelines for California schools were ...
But there is, unfortunately, one glaring exception: The Obama administration’s guidance on school discipline remains in full force. That guidance extended Black Lives Matter’s ideology down ...
5. Reward Good Behaviour Discipline techniques don’t always have to be about correcting mistakes. Praising your child when they do something good, like completing a chore or being kind ...
In some cases, the district still turns to out-of-school suspensions to discipline students. But most are assigned in-school suspensions or counseling sessions, where they are assessed individually ...
There are just some rules that we all have to follow, and there’s a good reason ... progressive discipline model, So, usually students are warned, then they may get a day of in-school suspension ...
A consultation will ask the views of teachers and parents on how to promote good behaviour ... of behaviour, discipline, suspensions and permanent exclusions in England's schools.