But averages hide the negative impact on individual countries and on certain groups within them ... These include the environment, labor rights, international and local migration, and human rights, ...
Bosch-Badia, Maria Teresa Montllor-Serrats, Joan and Tarrazon-Rodon, Maria Antonia 2014. Corporate Social Responsibility from the Viewpoint of Social Risk. Theoretical Economics Letters, Vol. 04, ...
To register your interest please contact [email protected] providing details of the course you are teaching. Globalization has reconfigured both the external institutional framework and the ...
To get beyond the polemics, we put together a framework for analyzing the vast and growing body of studies about the costs and benefits of financial globalization. Our framework offers a fresh ...
Four effects of globalization on the lives of young people are discussed below in more detail; the distribution of employment opportunities, migration, youth culture and consumerism, and global ...
The impact of global change is dramatic and far-reaching, altering the dynamics of everyday life on a planetary scale. The minor in globalization provides students with the opportunity to think ...
Jones, Geoffrey, and Andrea Lluch, eds. The Impact of Globalization on Argentina and Chile: Business Enterprises and Entrepreneurship. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar ...
This program is no longer accepting new student applications. The immersion in globalization theory analyzes how linkages and interconnections across and beyond conventional borders and boundaries are ...
Certain groups, particularly Black and Hispanic workers, have faced disproportionate impacts from globalization and ... payroll management, human resources services and logistical support.