Underground salt caverns, like this one in Northwich, have long been used to store natural gas in the UK A company has settled on Dorset for the site of the UK's second series of underground ...
Engineers can drill straight down and inject water to dissolve that salt, creating huge empty caverns. The brine can then be pumped out and gas can be pumped in to be stored for when it is needed.
Hydrogène de France and French gas grid operator Teréga have announced a plan to store hydrogen in disused salt ... caverns were previously used as a propane storage site by French energy giant ...
The Institute of Networked Energy Systems has carried out the analyses in close cooperation with the company on a gas cavern of EWE GASSPEICHER GmbH at the Rüdersdorf site in order to identify ...
First off, the U.S. maintains a Strategic Petroleum Reserve — up to 714 million barrels — that it holds ready in giant salt caverns in case there’s a sudden disruption in supply.
The new plans are for 24 salt caverns drilled 1.3km underground, which the company said could store one billion cubic metres of hydrogen. The exact details of the new location have not been ...