When it comes to scary-looking spiders, you don't have to be an arachnophobe to find steering clear of the golden silk orb weaver (Trichonephila clavipes) to be a good idea. Sometimes called ...
Dominating this picture, a giant orb-weaving spider, (Mongolarachne jurassica) having spun a web amongst the Ginko baiera twigs, has just caught a giant cicada (Palaeontinodes reshuitangensis).
Compare that to your average huntsman spider, which can have a leg span of up to 15cm, according to the Australian Museum. Australia's largest orb weaver, the giant golden orb weaver, also has a ...
An curved arrow pointing right. Researchers at Oxford Silk Group, part of Oxford University in the UK, filmed a spider silk harvesting session. Golden Orb Weaver spiders produce up to 80 meters of ...