While the teaser for the forthcoming episode has already gone viral, Kapil Sharma's team has posted a fresh BTS video of the actress singing Ghulam Ali's legendary ghazal Hungama Hai Kyon Barpa.
The highlights of her career at the BBC include interviewing Pakistani ghazal singer Ghulam Ali. Though the songs that gurantee Neelu kicking off her shoes on the dance floor are 'Kuch Ke Khuch Ke ...
At a young age, Ustad Chhoty Ghulam Ali Khan mastered the art of classical singing, excelling in genres such as Khayal, Tarana, Thumri, Dadra, and Ghazal. He has been associated with the Lahore Arts ...
Ustad Chhote Ghulam Ali Khan began his musical journey under ... With a mastery of classical genres such as Khayal, Tarana, Thumri, Dadra, and Ghazal, he rose to prominence at an early age.