Ghost of Tsushima, set in Feudal Japan, boasted a beautiful open world and no shortage of action-packed assassinations. To some, it was an Assassin’s Creed game in all but name. The shadow of ...
and Assassin. In fact, it's arguably Legends' class system that makes it such a valuable addition to Ghost of Tsushima, as it offers a unique approach to gameplay not found in the base game.
After a heap of praise for Sucker Punch's new IP, there is potential for Ghost of Tsushima to rise in light of a potential sequel. While the campaign should keep people busy for quite a long time ...
Gonna write one hell of a waterfallside haiku about this. If you spent hours mastering the art of the samurai and composing haikus as Jin Sakai in Ghost of Tsushima, you'll want to sit and meditate on ...