But it definitely helps neurodivergent (ND) kids. ND kids get their autonomy stripped away because they vary from the ...
Overusing the phrase “I’m proud of you” turns kids into “praise junkies,” or someone who constantly depends on praise from ...
"They walk around like they have diplomatic immunity," Seth Meyers said on Today.
Chelsey Hauge-Zavaleta wants parents to avoid punishing their kids and focus on “loving connection” instead. Do her methods ...
Gentle parenting, the millennial parenting craze of the moment, emphasizes empathy and compassion, boundaries over punishment, and encourages adults to regulate their own emotions during a child ...
Every parent has their own unique approach to raising their children. Some parents prefer the "gentle parenting" method, ...
Spencer, 30, believes in the concept of gentle parenting — an approach that emphasizes a parent’s emotional self-regulation and deep respect for a child’s feelings — but in practice ...
Gentle parenting is a parenting method that emphasizes communication over punishment. Seth Meyers tried gentle parenting and concluded that it didn't work. In an interview on NBC's Today on Monday ...
Social media can provide community and comfort - but it's easy to get sucked into comparison culture, writes i's parenting ...