An iconic movie by Ajith Kumar is the Vishnuvardhan-directed gangster film, Billa. The Tamil movie features the actor in a dual role, one as a dreaded don while the other is his friendly doppelganger.
The movie was so successful that Hollywood made more than 50 gangster movies the following year. The most violent movie of 1932 was Scarface, starring Paul Muni as Tony Camonte, a Chicago mobster.
A must-watch gangster flick featuring two Oscar-winning actors is set to hit the small screen tonight. The critically acclaimed 'American Gangster', which draws inspiration from real-life events ...
Here are five of my favourite lesser-known (but undeniably brilliant) gangster movies from the last twenty ... It's twisty, it's back-stabby, it's stuffed full of jump cuts, freeze-frame shots ...