Meat from one of Scotland’s oldest native cattle breeds is hitting the London restaurant scene, in a new link-up with a premium Scottish beef supplier. The Galloway Cattle Society has joined forces ...
Eskdalemuir Forestry Ltd, Eskdalemuir, Langholm, purchased the top-priced Whitebred Shorthorn at the Galloway and Whitebred Shorthorn show and sale at Carlisle. Sale leader at 5000gns was the reserve ...
Bernard and Kathleen Allen, of Great Bernera, Isle of Lewis, alleged the Belted Galloway bull was repeatedly found on land where they kept their livestock. They claimed the incidents compromised ...
He said: "Well, well, well. You couldn't make it up. Last year, a Belted Galloway bull escaped. He was out for about a week before we managed to get him back in - and we didn't expect this.