The sci-fi television series "Galaxy Quest", which took place aboard the intergalactic spaceship NSEA Protector, starred Jason Nesmith as suave Commander Peter Quincy Taggart, Gwen DeMarco as sexy ...
The sci-fi television series "Galaxy Quest", which took place aboard the intergalactic spaceship NSEA Protector, starred Jason Nesmith as suave Commander Peter Quincy Taggart, Gwen DeMarco as sexy ...
Never give up, never surrender… As the classic sci-fi comedy clocks up a quarter-century, we look back at a movie that wholeheartedly embraces its source material ...
and then their series was cancelled! Now, twenty years later, aliens under attack have mistaken the Galaxy Quest television transmissions for "historical documents" and beam up the crew of has ...
Even as recently as 2022, Sulu’s actor George Takei called Shatner “a prima donna” during the filming of the show, claiming that although the rest of the cast enjoyed a strong camaraderie ...
Galaxy Quest is a perfect motion picture. Argue with a wall … preferably one of the many chrome walls aboard the NSEA Protector. Released on Christmas Day 1999, well in advance of geek culture ...
who also appeared in the movie smiling at a party Alan hosted for the entire cast and crew. Captioning it he remembered Alan writing: “Galaxy Quest was released 25 years ago! It was my first ...