Four photographs by celebrated artist Sally Mann were recently removed from the walls of an exhibition at the Modern Art ...
Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.... What exactly did the Framers mean by “freedom of speech, or of the press”? Little is definitively known about ...
John Frohnmayer is the author of nine books, including an adventure trilogy, the latest of which is "Lyrics for Lara." ...
This plays into already raging debates at many schools over free speech and academic freedom. Judy Woodruff… News Wrap: Supreme Court sides with cheerleader kicked off squad for social media ...
The debate on art and freedom overlooks the ways in which Charlie Hebdo perpetuated racist stereotypes against Muslims, who are vulnerable in French society.
Daphne Frizzle, whose account has some 931,500 followers, called the potential ban a “blatant attack on our freedom of speech” and said ... let her graduate from art school debt-free.