In the 1920s, the upper-class founders of the Church rallied around the campaign to free Sacco and Vanzetti. Stevens, who rarely appears without his charcoal “PALESTINE” baseball cap ...
Sacco and Vanzetti were in the Death House in the State Prison at Charlestown. They fully understood that they were to die immediately after midnight. Mr. Ehrmann and I, having on their behalf ...
Head of a committee to free the convicted men ... the tragedy of the conviction of Sacco and Vanzetti lies in the fact that this was not done by crooks and knaves. In that case, we could have ...
I confess that I like Walt Whitman and Paul Simon and Noam Chomsky and Miller I confess that Sacco and Vanzetti ... In Colombia is the first free territory of America, before Washington, of ...
In 1921, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, both Italian-Americans, were convicted of robbery and murder. Although the arguments brought against them were mostly disproven in court, the fact ...
controversial cases like that of anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, who were ultimately executed for robbery and murder. A representative of the communists attended the first trial ...