Credit card companies don't work for free. Every time you use one, the store you're buying from is charged a "swipe fee" — ...
By Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., President and CEO, National Newspaper Publishers Association America’s financial system is quietly reinforcing old inequities. Black American communities — historically ...
The risk of credit card fraud doesn’t end when or where you swipe your card. Any business that stores your credit card number could experience a data breach in which a hacker attains access to ...
Aspiration has discontinued the Aspiration Zero credit ... with the card within the first three months of opening your account. According to the card issuer, every time you swipe the card, one ...
Rewards programs encourage people to keep swiping their credit cards, but consumers and businesses pay the price. Illinois ...
If shopping for the holidays seems more expensive this year, blame credit card "swipe fees ... please sign up for our free newsletters.