极限竞速:地平线4在夏促开始时重新上架了之前的一款免费DLC:Forza Horizon 4: Mitsubishi Car Pack 俗称“三菱车包”,此DLC不包含在终极版里,需要手动 ...
One of the most exhilarating aspects of Playground Games' Forza Horizon 4 is flying 250 mph across England's vast, lush landscapes. Building on the solid foundations of the first three open-world ...
地平线4三菱车包dlc,(Forza Horizon 4: Mitsubishi Car Pack) 没领的赶紧领,看看自己领了没,76赛季马拉松的车包。 兄弟们赶紧冲冲冲 小黑盒游戏 ...
In a news release, Microsoft pegged Forza Horizon 5 for release on PS5 "this spring" but didn't nail down a specific release date. The racing game will arrive on PS5 with all of the same content and ...
Forza Horizon 4, which first launched for Xbox platforms in 2018, has already delisted all of its DLC packs, including car packs, expansions, and the Treasure Map. The game will also remove a ...
there are some things Forza Horizon 4 simply did better. This list will cover the various means of earning credits — and luckily there's no shortage of them. It'll break down the quickest ...
They made this announcement on the official Forza Horizon Twitter account: “The Ultimate Car Pack is here, collecting all previous DLC Car Packs in one bundle.” These are the DLC Car Packs ...
Microsoft at X018 had a brand new announcement ready for its massively popular racing title Forza Horizon 4, unveiling the first-ever expansion for the game, Fortune Island. Sadly, the reveal was ...
Microsoft pegged Forza Horizon 5 for release on PS5 "this spring" but didn't nail down a specific release date. The racing game will arrive on PS5 with all of the same content and DLC as the Xbox ...