自动驾驶正在重走AI赛道的老路,如今的独立第三方供应商,谁不是在拼命活着?“现在智驾方案商普遍活得非常不好,独立的第三方厂商很难玩”“未来只能保证自己不死,能赚到钱已经是谢天谢地了。”“不赚钱又融不到新的钱,这些企业基本上会被拖死,资本市场对自动驾驶 ...
The Li ONE marked the beginning of Li Auto’s single product strategy. This 7-seater SUV, over 5 meters long with a maximum ...
Iran's Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) announced on Saturday a ban on electronic communication devices, such as pagers and ...
入围名单公布「枢·融」义乌“国际开放枢纽区”统合规划设计国际竞赛4强诞生!,规划设计,义乌,城市设计,建筑设计,城市规划,枢·融 ...
" China is a great success story." Danilo Türk, the former President of Slovenia and a long-time "friend of the Chinese people", who has visited China more than 50 times, said this.
齐鲁网 ·闪电新闻10月15日讯 10月15日至17日,第六次中国—中东欧国家地方领导人会议在烟台举办,克罗地亚前副总理司马安参加会议,并接受山东广播电视台、山东国际传播中心专访。专访中有哪些亮点?跟随王雨的镜头一起去看看吧!