Using Jolteon in competitive battling revolves around hitting first and hitting hard, typically as a part of a Hyper Offense ...
A talented Pokemon fan devised mecha versions for the final evolutions of the Gen 1 starters: Charizard, Blastoise, and ...
A Pokemon fan receives a nostalgic gift repurposing their original cartridges of the first-generation games on the original ...
Pokémon is currently in its ninth generation with the introduction of Scarlet & Violet. Each gen adds a new region, characters, and an assortment of exciting creatures to capture. Although all ...
From Game Boy games to global fame, Pokémon’s legacy lives on through anime, cards, and AR, making it a cultural icon with ...
Pokemon Go is debuting a beloved Gen 9 ‘Mon in the Fidough Fetch event, where players around the world must complete Global ...
Gigantamax Lapras is currently the only Ice-type Max Pokémon in Pokémon, and only the third Water-type Max Pokémon in Pokémon Go. This means that as far as Max Battles go, you're almost certainly ...
A Shiny evolution gone wrong makes Pokemon Go players ask for new ways to avoid being disappointed in the game.