The Daleks in Colour is being broadcast on Thursday as part of Doctor Who's 60th anniversary One of the first ever Doctor Who programmes will be broadcast in colour for the first time on Thursday.
It seems almost a cliche that the first monster a Doctor encounters is the Daleks. But in its own way, it also makes sense. Every numbered Doctor has encountered the Daleks at least once.
A reading based on the original 1963 TV serial featuring the First Doctor and narrated by one of the first companions, Ian Chesterton (played by William Russell).
A Doctor Who fan from the tender age of nine, my first Doctor was Tom Baker (and I have the long scarf to prove it!) I like New Who and the classics as well as classic cars and cl ...
For The Beatles it must have been a hard day's night, but such was Dalek-mania, the robot mutants helped Doctor Who exterminate the Fab Four in one of the first major TV ratings battles.
Classic Dr Who sci-fi adventure. Dr Who lands on a planet devastated by a nuclear fallout - and also home to his nemesis, the Daleks. Can he fight the mutants to save the Thals?
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who in 2023, BBC Four broadcast a colourised version of The Daleks, the second First Doctor (William Hartnell) story and the introduction of the iconic ...