Before starting this film, intrigued as I was by her story, I questioned if Ada Lovelace truly deserved the pedestal on which she has been placed by modern scientists and mathematicians.
Ada Lovelace, was an English mathematician and writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. Her notes on the engine include ...
The name Ada Lovelace probably who won’t mean anything ... she was the daughter of one of England’s most famous writers. Her father, Lord Byron (1788-1824) was a Romantic poet whose fame ...
When he was older, he became an expert mathematician. And just like Ada Lovelace, he started thinking ... different time periods of two of the most famous British monarchs of all time, Queen ...
Named after 19th century mathematician and and computer programmer, Ada Lovelace, ADA is a "post-digital" drawing machine that interacts with people, yet has a life of its own. Story and editing ...