The Hili Falaj is an intricately-designed aqueduct system that allows for water distribution from mountainous areas to inhabited regions. The water supplies provided via the aqueduct helped provide ...
The Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi discovered one of the oldest aqueduct systems in the Hili region of Al Ain, dating back to the Iron Age. ‘Falaj Hili 15’, or the Hili Aqueduct 15, is ...
The new set of stamps depicts the five historic irrigation systems inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, namely: Falaj Almalki, Falaj Almuyassar, Falaj Aljeela, Falaj Daris, and Falaj ...
while visitors are learning agricultural techniques and exploring an ancient underground falaj or irrigation system at the inaugural Hatta Farming Festival, happening until February 27 ...