Eps15 immunoprecipitates with a number of endocytic proteins ... Eps15 was associated with vesicles in the presynaptic terminal but was virtually excluded from exocytic sites.
Protein-shelled structures called gas vesicles, illustrated here, can be engineered with Lego-like proteins to improve ultrasound methods. The gas vesicles can help detect specific cell types and ...
Membrane protein trafficking in eukaryotes relies on dozens of protein complexes that recruit cargoes, drive vesicle budding, and catalyze vesicle fusion. While the biological roles of these membrane ...
Using cryo-electron tomography, the team was able to visualize SVs in 3D and confirm a potentially important protein-protein interaction. They also broadened our understanding of SV function and of ...
These bacterial technologies, which include recombinant amino-terminal acetylation, microcompartment utilisation and more recently recombinant vesicle production, are a main focus of my group's ...