Electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) startup Lilium reveals last-minute agreement with Mobile Uplift Corporation ...
eVTOL全称为electric Vertical Take-off and Landing,即电动垂直起降飞行器。据悉,eVTOL使用纯电能源,起降无需跑道,并且可以实现智能化全自主飞行 ...
对于 eVTOL(电动垂直起降飞行器)厂商未来是以无人驾驶还是有人驾驶为主,赵德力回复称:“这个很难判断,但以我现在的认知,在很长一段时间 ...
瑞财经 王敏 11月13日,据华羽先翔官微消息,长沙华羽先翔航空科技有限公司(以下简称“华羽先翔”)宣布完成天使+轮和天使++轮累计近亿元的 ...
《中国民航报》、中国民航网 记者钱擘 报道:11月29日,峰飞航空的2吨级电动垂直起降(electric Vertical Take-off and Landing,eVTOL)航空器在日本冈山开展了飞行,这是峰飞航空首次在日本开展飞行,也是中国的吨级以上eVTOL在日本的首次飞行。 此次飞行在日本冈山 ...
12月5日-7日,第六届浙江国际智慧交通产业博览会将在杭州国际博览中心举行。 本届博览会以“未来交通 新质领航”为主题,设置公路轨道馆、航空 ...
EHang’s EH216-S autonomous electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOL) has completed its first test flight using solid-state lithium batteries. The test flight lasted 48m 10s ...
截至11月底,自贡市已启动首批3个电动垂直起降飞行器(eVTOL)起降点建设,重点用于转场飞行试验,为下一步电动垂直起降飞行器大规模应用提供 ...
EVTOL aircraft require high bursts of peak power during takeoff and landing. Credit: Joby Aviation In recent years, AI has increasingly been used in the pharmaceutical industry’s drug discovery ...
showcasing a physical display of its flagship AirJet eVTOL as well. The company shared that AirJet (seen above) is a composite-wing “flying car” with flexible vertical takeoff and landing ...
But quicker than you can say electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL), the stock price lost a quarter of its value the very next day the market was open on December 2nd. This segment of the ...