Most recently, the Rebuild of Evangelion movie series recreated the original story for a theatrical run, while simultaneously peppering in some unexpected curveballs with its story. At present ...
The fourth and final installment in the “Evangelion” reboot film series, “Shin Evangelion Gekijo-ban:||” (“Evangelion: 3.0+1.0”), will hit theaters on June 27. The reboot films started ...
The creator of Killer 7 and No More Heroes brings Neon Genesis Evangelion to the PSP. The only thing more surprising is that it’s a rhythm game featuring the music of Akira Yamaoka.
finished the “Rebuild of Evangelion” series. Ogata voiced a diverse range of characters in animation, and works in other media as well, such as music and radio. A true Jill of all trades ...
The character will literally watch people playing the Pachinko game themed after the movie series she is featured in. Here is a sample image showing how the new Evangelion Pachinko machine with a life ...