The 2004–2005 Audubon Christmas Bird Count showed dramatic evidence of the Eurasian collared-dove’s explosive expansion across the continent in a quarter century. The species was listed in 32 ...
"This is something that primarily affects collared doves and pigeons," explained wildlife officer Jordon DePriest in a statement from CPW. The Eurasian collared dove is native to Europe ...
CPW officers said an avian virus is killing invasive Eurasian collared doves near the towns of La Junta and Rocky Ford. Two of the dead collared doves were sent to the CPW wildlife health lab and ...
Pigeon Paramyxovirus type 1 (PPMV-1) was first detected in Colorado in 2014 when it caused a die-off of Eurasian collared doves, according to Bill Vorgin, CPW’s southeast region public ...