In the tumultuous tapestry of Ethiopian politics, a single charge has emerged as both provocative and misleading: the accusation that “ethnic federalism” mirrors apartheid – that infamous system of ...
Ethiopia stands at a crossroads, grappling with a myriad of challenges that threaten its unity and stability. With a rich tapestry of ethnic and religious ...
In spite of welding the Nigerian regions together in 1914, it may be argued that the British Government never lived under the illusion that a country having such a vast land mass and consisting of ...
A survey of 10 strategies of eliminating or democratically managing cultural, ethnic and ethno-national difference and conflict: genocide, expulsion, partition, secession, integration and assimilation ...
Federalism has been proposed as a solution ... Neudorfer et al, Territorial arrangements and ethnic conflict management: The paradox that isn't, World Development (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.
Israeli officials have called for dividing Syria into small autonomous regions and have proposed a federal model for the ...
The use of territorial self-governance seems to decrease the risk of ethnic civil war in some cases and to increase it in others. This has led to claims that arrangements designed to manage such ...
“We will not allow any federalism or any decentralized rule, and legitimize any solution based on ethnic, racial, or religious dimensions. This is a red line for all Syrians, and we hope that ...
She specializes in the research areas of sub-national parliaments and federalism, ethnic and identity politics, social media, and social change. The papers she authored and co-authored includes: ...