This Marvel Studios film sees a colossal event trigger "the emergence," the appearance of the immortal and superpowered alien race The Eternals who have existed on earth for thousands of years.
and that film is due out in September; Marvel fans now speculate that the Eternals will drop an initial teaser between mid-May and mid-June, with a full trailer arriving in July, with the release ...
The Redditor confirms the plot leak from March, providing more contextual information about what happens in the movie. The Eternals have to “assemble” to fight the massive new threat.
Eternals may be a bit ignored among MCU movies but it does have some big implications for the films! Caution: This article contains SPOILERS for Eternals Released in 2021, Eternals was a different ...
Also, for a film touted as queer representation, Zhao’s insistence on pairing off all the Eternals into heteronormative couplings, as if the only outcome of spending thousands of years together ...