在今年iPhone 16发布会之前,经常看爆料的全球科技和消费股投资者就知道明年iPhone 17系列里会有一款“超薄”手机,被称为iPhone 17 Slim或iPhone 17 Air。 然而根据科技媒体The Information周一的报道, ...
近日,苹果计划在明年推出超薄机型iPhone Air,预计厚度在5mm-6mm之间,但其中没有设计实体SIM卡托盘。 iPhone Air的推出将创下苹果手机的最薄纪录,可能成为苹果在手机设计上的又一次创新突破。 目前的市场趋势看,消费者对手机外形的要求逐渐趋向极致,超薄设计一直是手机厂商竞争的一个重要方向。苹果一直致力于在手机设计上引领潮流,iPhone ...
In the ever-evolving world of mobile technology, eSIM has emerged as a catalyst for iPhone users. Activating an eSIM on your iPhone is a simple process that can significantly enhance your device ...
One of the interesting features announced by the iPhone maker is the ability to transfer eSIM from one iPhone to another. The new feature from Apple allows you to transfer your eSIM using ...