最近计划前往日本旅游或出差的朋友注意了!日本媒体报道,东京、埼玉等关东地区近期爆发了俗称“苹果病”的传染性红斑病(Erythema infectiosum,日文为リンゴ病)。确诊病例甚至创下了1999年以来的历史新高!
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Fifth disease, or erythema infectiosum, is a contagious viral infection best known for causing a blotchy red rash on the cheeks. As a result, it's sometimes referred to as "slapped cheek disease." ...
‘Slapped cheek’ syndrome is also referred to as fifth disease and erythema infectiosum. Children and adults usually report symptoms starting with fever, malaise and joint pain about seven days ...