Kelie Yoho, Ph.D., joined the Department of Entomology as an instructional assistant professor of forensic entomology.
BULLETIN 805 of the United States Department of Agriculture deals with “Two Lealhoppers Injurious to Apple and Nursery Stock,” and gives an account of the apple leafhopper and the rose ...
The department offers programs leading to the Master of Science (M.S.) in Entomology. Graduate students in these fields couple a focus on insects or vertebrates with a broad knowledge of other related ...
Browse the oldest and most important entomology collection in the world with over 30 million insects. Gathered over 300 years, these specimens are key to telling the history of collecting, the science ...
The SWEET Col(LAB)orative is an environmental studies research group that uses a range of quantitative and qualitative tools to study science and society. Global environmental problems necessitate a ...
Then we have the Ruxton maggots. 'These weren't doctors, they were the detectives,' explained Erica during one of our recent livestreams, and 'were the first maggots used in a forensic entomology case ...
The white-trimmed brick building at Beltsville, Md., is swarming with frustrated maidens and looks like a young ladies’ finishing school. But there are no students among the 8,000 carefully ...
The Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology is excited to welcome Aaron Cato, an extension specialist, for a seminar titled "How-To IPM: Using Applied Research and Extension to Increase the ...
Hairy, scary spiders will be the focus of an annual film festival at the University of Illinois over the weekend. Saturday ...