Ernest Shackleton’s ship Endurance has been resting on the seafloor near Antarctica. Submerged in the frigid waters of the Weddell Sea, the famed vessel sank after getting stuck in pack ice in ...
Just weeks after leaving South Georgia, Endurance got stuck in a pack of ice, drifting for months before the order was ...
The ship's moon poole. Polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew had to abandon Endurance in 1915 when it was crushed by sea ice and sank in 3,000m of water South African icebreaker ...
including the poignant moment the ship’s mast collapses as Endurance is crushed by sea ice. Despite the sailors’ perilous predicament, Shackleton insisted the nitrate film was salvaged.
The Endurance had been lost in the ice and her 28-man complement had spent months in makeshift camps before they took to the lifeboats to reach Elephant Island, an ice-covered mountainous island ...