A new documentary titled Endurance has premiered, bringing to life the remarkable survival story of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ill-fated 1914 Antarctic expedition. The film, from National ...
On 3 June 1916, Stanley had ever seen so many people at the new Town Hall, to welcome Sir Ernest Shackleton who gave a brief account of his late expedition In March 1915 the Endurance was ...
The National Geographic movie 'Endurance' brings Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition to life using colorized footage and cutting edge techniques, blending historical and modern narratives ...
Rarely-seen images of the Antarctic expedition led by the explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton have gone on display in Manchester. The pictures show his ship Endurance trapped in ice in 1915 ...
“Hurley gets this flare gun, and he fires the flare gun into the air with a massive detonator as a tribute to the ship,” explains Dr John Shears who led the expedition that found Endurance ...