NASA's Curiosity rover has made a groundbreaking discovery on Mars by uncovering pure sulfur crystals within a broken rock.
Elemental sulfur can be applied in fall or early spring, but most of the mineralization won’t happen until the soils warm up in mid- to late summer. Sulfate: The only form absorbed by plant roots.
Sulfur is one of those elements that’s remarkably abundant in the universe and while it does occur in its elemental state, it’s more typically found as a compound with something else.
A hydrogen sulfide gas leak at Pemex's Deer Park refinery in Texas resulted in two fatalities and the treatment of up to 35 ...
Ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate, potassium magnesium sulfate, superphosphate, and gypsum all supply sulfur as sulfate, the form in which it is most readily available for plant uptake. Other ...
The rocks, with their distinctive rounded and pitted “weathering” pattern (pictured), strongly resemble elemental sulfur blocks that we’ve encountered before. Frustratingly, although the target rocks ...
SRUs convert hydrogen sulfide from the coker and hydrotreater into elemental sulfur. Hydrogen sulfide is used by or produced as a byproduct in refineries, according the US Occupational Safety and ...
a mix of sulfur and other materials—the rock Curiosity recently cracked open is made of elemental, or pure, sulfur,” the space agency said in a statement. An image of the rock shows crushed ...