The 1976 Eisenhower dollar or the 1776-1976 bicentennial Eisenhower dollar was made of 75% copper and 25% nickel. There is also a silver coin variety that is made of 40% silver.
When determining the value of a 1978 Eisenhower dollar, you would need to know how to differentiate a silver coin from a metal-based coin. This is an important skill you need to have since some ...
“As the owner of the unique 1976 ‘no S’ silver Eisenhower dollar for many years now, … I always dreamed of also owning the 1975 ‘no S’ dime. That dream became a reality to me!
Should the US follow the example of President Dwight Eisenhower back in 1953 ... which it could do from its dollar “profits” because the price of gold in dollars had risen.