The fabric of space and time is not exempt from the effects of gravity. Plop in a mass and space-time curves around it, not ...
New analysis supports Einstein's relativity and narrows neutrino mass ranges, hinting at evolving dark energy. Gravity, the ...
The largest survey of our universe ever conducted suggests that it closely matches the model most favored by cosmologists. It ...
A decade ago, astronomers observed gravitational waves for the first time. What has emerged since is a picture of the ...
A study by researchers from the Universities of Geneva and Toulouse, based on the Dark Energy Survey, has revealed slight ...
Gravitational distortions produced by distant galaxies show a slight—but notable—disagreement with Einstein's predictions.
As Euclid observes the Universe from space, its measurements of gravitational ... allowing us to look further back in time and ultimately test Einstein's equations.
A new study by scientists from the Universities of Geneva and Toulouse has found a small inconsistency in Einstein's general ...
The fabric of space and time is not exempt from the ... wealth of data to test the predictive power of Einstein's physical description of the Universe. They specifically measured the distortions ...
A new JWST study has revealed the true origins of a luminous quasar that has been duplicated six times as its light "zig-zags ...
The most detailed map of the universe ever created using gravitational waves could reveal hidden black holes, merging ...
Swiss team puts the famous physicist's predictions to the test. Why is the expansion of our Universe accelerating?