pericarditis and a pericardial effusion. Pericardial effusions are best diagnosed by echocardiography, which is validated to estimate the size and location, and determine if hemodynamic compromise ...
The clinical diagnosis of acute pericarditis is based on simple criteria: typical chest pain, pericardial friction rub (Figure 2), widespread ST-segment elevation (Figure 3) and pericardial ...
ECG and echocardiography was done at admission ... Prolonged QTc interval, pericardial effusion and diastolic dysfunction are associated with higher mortality.
Review pulsus paradoxus here. Diagnosis is clinical, based on hypotension with a large pericardial effusion; however, echocardiography can be helpful and can show right ventricular early diastolic ...
This fluid build-up is called pericardial effusion. Too much fluid in the pericardium can put extra pressure on your heart, which eventually prevents it from working properly. Cardiac tamponade ...