Origin Is Being Discontinued . Origin is a 32-bit game launcher for Windows released by EA in 2011. The 32-bit architecture ...
EA's Origin PC client has officially reached the end of the line. The gaming company had previously announced its plans to ...
Electronic Arts(EA)更新了其官网的帮助页面,重申由于苹果和微软已经停止支持32位软件,Origin客户端将于2025年4月17日正式关闭。
EA is officially shutting down the old and creaky Origin PC app because it runs on such old code Windows no longer supports ...
2011年,EA首次推出了PC游戏商店和客户端Origin。如今,这个客户端即将停用。尽管现在的EA App和商店在很大程度上继承了经典的Origin体验,并且承担起了绝大部分运营工作,但是旧的应用程序仍然适用于一些用户。然而,EA终于宣布关闭Origin客户端的日子即将到来。
EA is ending support for the 32-bit Origin app just as Microsoft is ending support for the 32-bit Windows operating system.
EA官方在去年年底曾宣布,旗下游戏平台“橘子平台”(Origin)客户端运营将于今年4月17日正式结束。原因是 Windows 和 macOS 不再支持 32 位软件。届时玩家需要通过EA ...
After 14 years, EA will retire its controversial Origin game distribution app for Windows, the company announced. Origin will ...
EA在官网宣布,由于微软和苹果已停止支持 32 位软件,旗下Origin平台将于4月17日关闭。 玩家如果使用Origin平台,则需要升级到 EA APP,需要 64 位版本的 Windows或 macOS Catalina 10.15.5 ...
The good news is, your account and games will transfer over to the EA app that replaces Origin. However, there are some ...
Subsequently, if you go through the process of installing and replacing the Origin app with the EA app, you won’t have to ...
Due to clunky UX and frustrating login processes, many PC gamers chose to outright avoid using Origin as much as possible.